HID Global acquires PKI-as-a-Service solutions provider HydrantID


HID Global announces the acquisition of HydrantID, a provider of management and automation services to secure enterprise organizations’ data, IT systems, networks, and Internet of Things (IoT).

Specializing in public key infrastructure (PKI) as a service, Salt Lake City-based HydrantID has issued more than three million PKI credentials and secured over 125,000 domains. The company is highly complementary to HID’s IdenTrust business, a leading digital certification authority.

HydrantID provides PKI-as-a-service solutions that address the critical security needs of networks and IoT system for enterprise, government, financial and other information security-conscious customers. The announcement states the majority of these IoT systems are expected to be online by the year 2020 and use IP-based protocols requiring PKI-based authentication to secure the identities of machines on a network and IoT data.

In addition, increased security and bot attacks against enterprise networks and remote devices, as well as regulatory changes and compliance issues, are creating new risks for small, medium and large enterprise organizations. PKI-based authentication security helps reduce the risks significantly.

“We are evolving HID’s Identity and Access Management business to provide one-stop solutions for PKI services across the enterprise,” states Stefan Widing, president and CEO, HID Global. “With the acquisition of HydrantID, we are now able to offer enterprise customers a broader range of options, plus the flexibility and scalability of PKI-as-a-service to improve information security.”

HydrantID is said to offer industry-leading and proven certificate authority services that secure IoT systems, enterprise networks, publicly trusted SSL website certificates and client certificates for ecommerce. Utilizing hybrid-Cloud trust architecture delivered from a state-of-the-art data center and scalable Cloud platform, HydrantID’s solution helps its customers reduce operating complexities while extending the use of certificate-based authentication and encryption across their organization.

A key benefit of HydrantID is its ability to automate certificate lifecycle events and distribution using industry-standard protocols and “out-of-the-box” integration with common enterprise network software and platforms. HydrantID will join HID IdenTrust, under HID’s Identity and Access Management business led by Brad Jarvis, vice president and managing director.