Delta Scientific introduces DSC501 barricades to manage and control traffic


Traffic management takes many forms. Traffic management can involve closing a roadway during a major city event such as a motion picture awards show or traffic management can simply entail a traffic arm that raises and lowers after a fee has been paid in a parking garage.

Traffic management can include directing traffic in one direction during peak hours or closing a facility to vehicle traffic after hours. It can also prevent wrong-way entry or ensure vehicles cannot encroach on pedestrian areas.

In most cases, it is quite easy to breach the entrance to the parking lot. Once entered, the vehicle can pick up speed to crash through one of the gates or entrances to get within the stadium itself. To provide increased security, Delta Scientific DSC501 barriers are used at the Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta at main entrances where players and VIPs, among others, enter with their cars.

The DSC501 is the only K54-certified retractable vehicle barricade in the world. Set in a foundation only 18 inches deep, it will survive and operate after a 5.4-million foot-pound impact. That’s equivalent to a 65,000-pound truck hitting it at 50 mph. Stopping the truck or car dead in its tracks, the DSC501 protects against a “second hit” risk from a second vehicle.

In another example, on May 22, 2020, an armed assailant attempted to drive through entryway gates at the Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi. The suspect was stopped almost instantaneously. A wounded sailor, a security team member, managed to raise a barricade despite her injuries. The shooter, the would-be trespasser, died in the incident, which could have been made much worse had the station not taken appropriate measures to keep intruders at bay.

At this location, the totally self-contained Delta Scientific MP5000 mobile deployable vehicle crash barriers guarding that base carries an ASTM rating as high as M50, able to stop and disable a 15,000 lb (66.7 kN) G.V.W. vehicle moving at 50 mph (80.4 kph). The barricade tows into position to control vehicle access within 15 minutes. No excavation or sub-surface preparation is required. Once positioned, the mobile barricades unpack themselves by using hydraulics to raise and lower the barriers off their wheels. DC-powered pumps will then raise or lower the barriers. To remove, procedures are reversed and the barriers are towed away.
With so many traffic management scenarios, it is no wonder that Delta Scientific manufacturer’s more than fifty types of barriers and traffic control devices. Delta can assist any facility in controlling the flow of traffic through devices such as traffic arms, lights, spike teeth or even crash tested vehicle barricades.