Tamron announces launch of three Shutterless Compact Long-Wavelength Infrared Camera Modules


Tamron Co., Ltd., a globally renowned manufacturer of optics for diverse applications, has announced the market launch of Shutterless Compact LWIR (Long-Wave Infrared) Camera Modules that support simultaneous thermal imaging and temperature measurement.

General LWIR camera modules need to update internal referential data by operating a mechanical shutter at regular intervals, in order to achieve precision in thermal measurement and stabilise thermal images. This necessarily accompanies incursion of the shuttering noise and disruption of image sequence. The mechanical durability of the shutter is also an issue for a long-time usage.

To address these issues with general LWIR camera modules, Tamron will release ‘Shutterless LWIR Camera Modules’ that eliminate the need for calibration using a mechanical shutter, by employing an LWIR sensor using Amorphous Silicon, which possess excellent property in reproduction of thermal reference against changes in temperature and integrating state-of-the-art image processing and optical technologies that have been developed in-house. LWIR camera modules are capable of detecting thermal emission from a target and visualise it under poor or no illumination. This advantage is fully beneficial for various applications, including night-time nursing care without disturbing patient’s sleep, night-time surveillance in complete darkness, and the detection of abnormal temperatures to monitor facility equipment.

Tamron’s new Shutterless LWIR Camera Modules offer distinguished improvement on nursing care, surveillance, and abnormal temperature detection by completely eliminating the annoying shuttering noise and intermittent image interruption. Market demands are also growing in the area of precision temperature measurement and control for livestock breeding, agriculture, etc. Tamron releases three models of Shutterless LWIR Camera Modules with lenses of different focal lengths to address these growing market needs.
As for the precision temperature measurement, Tamron’s proprietary signal processing technology warrants a temperature precision of ±2℃ under the adverse condition of shutterless measurement