Latest AC2000 upgrade improves user experience


Johnson Control has just released the CEM Systems AC2000 v10.1, which contains a number of new features that improve functionality and the user experience, and help to mitigate health and safety risks. Support for a range of new third-party products that increase the performance and scope of the CEM Systems AC2000 access control system has also been added.

The Health and Safety (H&S) Induction Check application for CEM Systems Emerald intelligent access terminals allows cardholders to self-certify with a card swipe on the Emerald terminal once they have completed H&S induction training and before they are provided access to a site. The application automatically records induction completed date on the CEM Systems AC2000 system, helping mitigate the risk of health and safety incidents and report on who has and hasn’t completed training.

Another H&S feature now available with AC2000 v10.1 is the Emergency Responder Remote application which helps improve emergency response times during incidents. This application allows system users to quickly find emergency responders (Fire Marshalls, First Aiders and/or First Responders) via CEM Systems Emerald terminals.

Functionality at the edge has been improved with enhancements to the Local Access Remote application on the CEM Systems Emerald terminal. This allows ‘Extra Access’ to be added, amended and removed via the app on the terminal and provides potential cost savings for remote sites where a workstation client may not be feasible. Support has been added for the Morphowave Compact frictionless biometric access reader, Simonsvoss Smartintego wireless locking solutions and STID Architect range of RFID readers. This builds on the range of biometric, wireless lock solutions and RFID reader options that are available to CEM Systems AC2000 system users.