JPP reversing camera for all-round vehicle views


Josefina Pan Pacific Limited (aka ‘JPP’) has recently launched its super wide-angle multiview reversing camera, offering a full visual of a vehicle’s surroundings without blind spots.

With a one button remote controller within reach, it is easy to shift the images between 6 display modes– panoramic view / rear view / top view/ wide view / right view / left view — that are manually selectable by the driver to check the surroundings images in the form required easily.

The multi-view camera is available in both CVBS and AHD version, and it comes with a universal mounting bracket to fit all vehicles and to serve as a front or rear camera. It is also offered as meeting the IP68 standard with SGS certification. For product quality assurance, the same as with other products from JPP, the multiview camera is 100% made in Taiwan (MIT).

Moreover, JPP’s cameras can pick up colour images in very low-light conditions, as they are equipped with 1/3 OV10635 progressive scan sensor; cameras produced at JPP are designed to generate crystal-clear images in colour in the dark without any external light source required. For road environments, JPP’s cameras will ensure drivers are able to see exactly what’s happening and obtain quality recorded footage whilst on the move.