HySecurity’s new anti-terrorist vehicle barrier HydraWedge SM50 meets or exceeds all anti-ram vehicle barrier standards. HydraWedge opens or closes lanes in 3 seconds in standard operation. Emergency Fast Operate (EFO) secures the lane in one second. That’s as fast or faster than any competitive product. It’s quick and inexpensive to install because it features the shallowest (9 inches), most compact reinforced foundation of any wedge. Add a UPS battery backup for the most fail-safe, secure vehicle barrier available.
HydraWedge is a huge departure from traditional wedge barriers. Every wedge barrier passes a crash test certifying that it stops a 15,000 lb. truck at 50 mph. HydraWedge SM50 not only stops that truck with no penetration, it communicates potential and actual perimeter breach conditions to security responders in real time, giving them the immediate intelligence necessary to prevent and mitigate a perimeter breach.
HydraWedge passed three domestic and international crash tests with negative penetration: ASTM 2656 M50 P1, PAS 68 and IWA-14-1. It is crash certified at its smallest and widest blocking widths, 2 and 4 meters. HydraWedge is the fourth vehicle barrier in HySecurity’s crash product line. It joins crash barrier arms StrongArm M30 and StrongArm M50, and anti-vehicle theft WedgeSmart DC. All these products benefit from HySecurity’s perimeter security intelligence real-time reporting.
All HySecurity gate operators detect and send security alerts when a suspicious vehicle parks for more than 5 minutes outside an access control point, when a safety barrier arm installed ahead of the wedge is hit by a vehicle, when a security slide gate in front of the wedge is forcibly opened, when the wedge is triggered to secure the lane and doesn’t respond, and dozens more security and operational conditions.
Other standout HydraWedge SM50 specifications include:
• Minimum six accumulator backup cycles after AC power loss (non UPS model)
• Fast Throughput: up to 300 vehicles per hour, 12.5 seconds per vehicle
• 12-inch shallow mount. 9” reinforced concrete. Nominal underground utility conflict
• Easy, 3-wire connection between multiple sequenced HySecurity gates
• Minimal concrete/rebar footprint. Quick two-day install
• Longest industry warranty: 5-year electronics and hydraulics