From the Editor’s Desk: July 2017


Dear Readers

Today, I am going to talk about the all important issue of maintenance of security systems and the actual value of this activity to end users such as government, businesses and private individuals. There is an old adage that ‘Prevention Is Better Than Cure’, which we have all heard many times, but its true implications are only understood when we face unexpected breakdowns and resultant losses, as many a times a burglary happens or a devastating fire occurs only because of a non functional burglar or fire alarm system. We often read in the news that vital video footage of a crime scene is not available because a CCTV camera was not working. Do we realise that all this is preventable?

We should use our ability and foresight and try to prevent any adverse situation that may arise in the future. We should be careful enough to take all appropriate preventive measures for known risks. When we prepare ourselves well, it’s more likely we shall get fruitful results for our actions. And because we have planned well, our minds will also remain at peace.

Security and fire systems are expected to function flawlessly round the clock over a number of years, therefore their reliability becomes paramount, otherwise the purpose of their existence gets defeated. In order for any equipment to have a long life and work reliably it has to be maintained effectively. This is true of everything from cars to security equipment. Regular maintenance of your fire or security system by a qualified engineer is essential to ensure that the equipment is working properly and potential issues are preempted.

If you have qualified people on site to maintain your systems, you need to have maintenance policies, training programs, refresher courses, and procedures that are documented on an ongoing basis. If you don’t have the skills in-house, you may need outsourced professionals to perform the tasks for you, providing you with a record of all the checks carried out and confirming all parts of the system are operating correctly. Equipment monitoring and predictive analysis are the cornerstones of reliability-centered asset healthcare.

Studies have proven that corrective maintenance is 10 times more expensive than predictive maintenance. Whether it’s the cost of unplanned downtime and the firefighting that is done to fix the problem or it’s the cost of planned, but unnecessary, time-based maintenance, the financial implications of the practice you use are undeniable.

And when crime does occur, CCTV system incident recording can provide valuable evidence, improving the likelihood of a conviction. CCTV security system technology and equipment can be used in both internal and external environments to watch over and protect people, property, vehicles, and valuables as CCTV is considered to be among the most effective methods of reducing crime today.

Many factors influence whether a security system provides reliable protection. Small security loopholes such as hardware components with a tendency to malfunction, out-dated software versions or inadequate skills of the operating personnel can have serious effects on the functionality of the entire system. In addition to these factors, there are dynamic modifications to the security system which may be needed to accommodate changes in general conditions, without which it is hardly possible to ensure sustained protection of people, systems and business processes.

Till we meet next month, stay safe and keep others safe.

G B Singh
Group Editor
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