Allied Universal releases election security downloadable report


Allied Universal has released a 2024 special report focused on election year security. It is titled Physical Security During an Election: Expect the Unexpected and Prepare for it All. The company is, of course, a leading provider of security solutions for the government sector.

The election year security report utilises intelligence and experience to identify potential physical security threats. These threats could impact the safety and operations of businesses and their assets in the U.S. during a presidential election.

According to Steve Jones, Allied Universal’s global chairman and CEO, “A partisan environment is seething with hostility and division, multiple wars are being waged overseas, and law enforcement is eyeing the risk of violence ahead of what could be an election unlike any other in American history.” This special report, he adds, allows Allied Universal to provide security leaders with necessary information. It’ll empower them “…to identify risks, prepare contingency plans, and predict when and where to deploy resources,” Jones notes.

The report from Allied Universal details security strategies and tactics based on the election cycle’s events. These, of course, include national conventions, debates, election day itself and the presidential inauguration. The report addresses potential security issues, along with mitigation approaches.

These possible issues include civil unrest, active shooters, crowd control, insider threats, infrastructure attacks, cyber threats, domestic extremism, the spread of misinformation and conflict resolution within organisations