Abloy UK releases a free guide providing safety and compliance information for fire doors


Designed with facilities managers and nominated Responsible Persons in mind, the guide has been created to be a trusted source of safety and compliance information. It is free for any business to download and use to review their own fire doors.In 2019, the Fire Door Inspection Scheme found that 76% of fire doors inspected were condemned as not fit for purpose, with excessive gaps, damaged smoke seals and poorly adjusted door closers the top reasons for failings.

The research suggests that more organisations need to focus on fire door safety and how to ensure their solutions remain safe and compliant. Abloy’s guide outlines whose responsibility fire doors are, along with a seven-step guide to door inspection and a printable check list to assist with record keeping.

The guide is the latest part of Abloy’s long-term commitment to fire safety; for more than 10 years it has offered free training at the Abloy Academy designed to help the market understand the importance of compliance with Building Regulations. Pat Jefferies, Commercial Director at Abloy UK, said: “We take our commitment to fire door compliance incredibly seriously. Anyone with a responsibility for access control has a duty to increase their knowledge and commit to making buildings safe for occupants: specifying the correct solution can mean the difference between life and death.”

“I understand that there are many other pressing priorities in 2020, but to be frank you’ll care a lot less about these if you’re trapped in a burning building. That’s why we must never, ever let fire door safety slip, and instead find the best solutions that combine touch-free access along with compliance for emergency escape.”