Touchless Biometric Systems’ 2D Portable


As part of the technological investment and keeping up with market demand, Touchless Biometric Systems has created a durable device which responds to biometric mobility, the 2D Portable. TBS 2D solutions are applicable for several industry verticals, such as student attendance in universities, offices, retail, hospitality, leisure, homes, and the 2D Portable specifically addresses all the situations where temporary sites, customer facing situations or users on the go are of importance. This Linux-based device facilitates biometric access control or time and attendance anywhere.

Aside from its internal memory which stores information, connectivity via WLAN or 3G enables the synchronisation of data or verification of users’ information. A camera and an RFID module allow for an additional verification step, for example using barcode or QR codes and electronic badges respectively.

High security and multi-functionality for mobile use
• Portable terminal with capacitive touch sensor
• Excellent identification performance
• Logical Access Control, Time and Attendance (T&A)
• Real-time data synchronisation with server
• Identification or verification
• Small- and large-sized user groups
• Personalisable touchscreen
• User-friendly operation and configuration
• Customer-specific modifications
• Network operation as part of the TBS biometric subsystem