Probably for the first time in the history of security related events in India, the sector which enables consumers to stay secure electronically was given its due in the shape of the SECURITY UPDATE BUSINESS SUMMIT 2017, where installers and system integrators not only spoke about good security practices but also shared how they carried out their assignments to ensure profitable project closures. Throughout the day, the first SECURITY UPDATE BUSINESS SUMMIT, held at The Sheraton, New Delhi, witnessed a large gathering of people who mattered, via some engrossing interactive sessions on a wide variety of topics. The inaugural session led by the group editor of SECURITY TODAY & SECURITY UPDATE, Mr GB Singh, heard him trace the origins of the physical security systems industry in India. He detailed how technology arrived on the scene to revolutionise the concept of security automation and how currently there is a sustained battle on to create standards for security to ensure there is no cutting corners in delivering quality profitably.
The chief guests for the Summit, Mr. Rakesh Asthana, IPS – Addl. Director, Central Bureau of Investigation, MHA, Govt. of India and Dr. Ajay Kumar, IAS – Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Govt. of India, also gave their views on security in the current set up.
The inaugural session was followed by the foundation session which set the tone of the Business Summit by discussing threadbare for the first time, burning issues that face the Automated Protection Systems Industry in India.
The session chaired by GB Singh, Group Editor, SECURITY UPDATE & SECURITY TODAY discussed the era of Security Systems Integration business entering Phase 2.0 with System Integrators still battling with issues such as fast technology upgrades, ill-conceived and loose project specifications and the absence of security standards, resulting in an uneven playing field that leads to poor L1 choices.
The session saw some leading players and stalwarts of the industry: Mr. Rajeev Mecheri, Managing Director, Mecheri Smart Capital Pvt. Ltd.; Mr. Rajeev Bajaj, Managing Director, Alba Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Baljit Sobti, Managing Director, Systems Tek India Pvt. Ltd.; Mr Deepak Chaturvedi, Assistant Vice President, Reliance Industries and Mr. Ajay Gupta, Head Enterprise Solutions & Services, Siemens Ltd. discuss issues that impacted the growth of the industry and what Systems Integrators need to do in order to create value for their customers.
The day long event also saw unique presentations such as “The Importance of Processes and Documentation in the Profitable Execution of Projects”, “Power Tips for Great Negotiations”. There was a panel discussion on “Smart City – Safe City Projects – Are we on the right track?” Another session discussed “What prevents buyers from adopting a Risk-based approach to System Design”. The day was wrapped up with a crucial educational session “Change, Learn, Adapt, Adopt or Perish”.
Attendees and participants hailed the Summit as one of the most creative professional events they had ever attended. For the first time, they had participated in a program that guided and enabled them to conduct business in a better and more professional manner which would make a lasting impact on their businesses.
The details of the event will be published in the JUNE issue of SECURITY UPDATE.