New system protects staff and patients


Multitone Electronics plc, a specialist in the design, manufacture and implementation of integrated communication systems, is launching its new Ekocare range for healthcare facilities. The patient and staff safety solution offers flexible, reliable and cost-effective wireless nurse call and alarms for care/nursing/retirement homes or hospitals – all automatically monitored and overseen for reassurance and report/compliance recording.

Husam Al-karnaz, Solutions Architect at Multitone commented, “Ekocare is the perfect solution for any healthcare facility. It offers nurse call and patient alarm units, which can be wall-mounted, hand-held or use a pull-cord (for bathrooms), along with staff units with alarm and assist options to enhance safety and communications. Using a mesh-based network for failsafe reliability and exact alarm location, the solution utilises wireless repeater units for quick, easy and low-cost installation and maintenance.”

To ensure patients are fully protected, be they bedbound or mobile, Ekocare is designed to pinpoint their exact location and to alert the right staff immediately. Similarly, the solution is perfect for protecting staff, especially those that work in isolation or late at night. For peace of mind, all the portable devices are powered by rechargeable batteries and are IP67 compliant for resistance to water, liquids and dust. Multitone identified a gap in the market for a comprehensive solution, as Husam elaborated, “Traditional alarms offer either static buttons, which hinder user mobility, or mobile alarms that do not pinpoint patient location. They also usually require extensive mains rewiring, which multiplies the cost, as well as necessitating disruptive and expensive ward or room closures.”