Ksenia releases new wireless LCD keypad for Lares 4.0


Ksenia Security has completed its wireless proposal with the new version of Ergo Wls: the wireless keypad for Lares 4.0 – IoT platform for security and home-automation, manageable via the Ksenia Secureweb from any mobile device. The wireless LCD keypad Ergo Wls offers distinctive features and capabilities compared with many other user interfaces available so far.

Equipped with a fully bi-directional 868 MHz band wireless technology, like all the other Ksenia Security wireless peripherals, Ergo Wls is characterised by a design inspired from Ergo M, with dot matrix LCD display and mechanical press-buttons (laser-routed).

Available in black or white, it is equipped with a dedicated non-rechargeable battery pack.
Ergo Wls completes the wide range of performances offered by Lares 4.0 platform, consistent with the well consolidated technological innovation attitude of Ksenia Security and with the additional values of design, made in Italy and eco-sustainability that have continue to identify Ksenia Security in the European security and home automation market