From the Editor’s Desk: August 2019


Dear Reader

The security market these days is opening up in directions which were not even dreamed of twenty years ago. This is on account of the changes that have been brought about by the shift from analog technology to digital technology and within digital technology from simply being a replacement for analog to becoming a full fledged ecosystem in its own right. Among the most noticeable changes that have come about is the ability to now have truly integrated security systems which go beyond integrating cctv systems with access control and perimeter protection on to a single platform, and move towards integration with business operating systems and thus into the sphere of decision making which plays a key role in the development of the business itself.

Today, more than ever before, it has become easier for the system integrator to justify the investments into a good security system. In other words, to provide the company’s board of directors with the kind of Return on Investment (ROI) details which make the most sense to them. This is to a great extent on account of the availability of artificial intelligence (AI) empowered surveillance systems. It is therefore essential for the system integrator to educate himself regarding the opportunities that are now available to maximise the utilisation of the hardware which was previously used almost exclusively for security, and to understand the additional capabilities that artificial intelligence now empowers the system with. Let us take a quick look at some of these capabilities.

In the transportation industry for example, people and vehicle counting enables the taking of appropriate decisions to divert traffic and reduce or eliminate overcrowding, long queues and traffic jams. It could also help in determining whether there is a need to widen the highway or to build a flyover at a crossing. Fall detection in a mall and detection of stalled vehicles on a highway could help in ensuring that timely help is provided to those in need. Such timely action would help in improving the quality of that part of our lives which we spend in public spaces. Automatic License/Number Plate Recognition not only helps to book traffic regulations violators but also to improve utilisation of public parking spaces and ticketing for their use.

As another example, in the retail industry, AI helps store owners to gain insights into customer behaviour not only to identify shop-lifters, but also to position products at locations which generate the most sales, in addition to quickly providing information on the need to restock some fast moving goods on shelves which are becoming empty.

In industry, with inputs from normal and thermal CCTV cameras, AI can help provide valuable insights into the operational and maintenance needs of a piece of equipment.

In view of the above it is important for system integrators to familiarise themselves with not only the technical aspects of the equipment that they are promoting but also with the AI features that it can support and to innovatively use those features to meet both present and future customer needs.

Till we meet next month, Cheers, Stay Safe and Keep Others Safe.

G B Singh
Group Editor
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