Doorking ProxPlus™ Secure Card Readers


DoorKing has released its new ProxPlusTM line of card readers that offer a much higher degree of security than standard 125 KHz proximity card reader systems.

125 KHz proximity cards, and even some 13.56 MHz cards can be easily copied. There are card clone products available on the Internet that allow just about anyone to quickly duplicate these cards. ProxPlus Secure card readers will read only ProxPlus Secure cards.

DoorKing adds a unique encryption to the cards so that the card can only be read by a ProxPLUS Secure reader. This prevents unauthorised duplication of the access card. Other forms of Mifare cards are not compatible with the ProxPlus Secure reader, making this system one of the most secured offered.

DoorKing ProxPlus Secure Card Readers are ideal for those applications that require a higher level of security than standard proximity card readers, and cards offer. And, since the DoorKing card reader outputs the card code in a 26-bit Wiegand format, they are compatible with almost any access control system on the market.