Deep Sentinel launches new crime-deterrent solution for business owners


Deep Sentinel, a security system that combines the experience of a personal guard with proprietary artificial intelligence technology to stop crime, announced the launch of FlashBang, the new security product for businesses that experience high volume of criminal activity.

FlashBang system “offers more impactful deterrent capabilities targeted to affect criminal actors in real time and includes smoke bombs, pepper sprays and ear-piercing sirens,” according to the company announcement.

According to a recent survey, 85% of businesses experience theft each year. More than half of the survey participants also reported that the frequency of theft either increased or stayed the same in 2023 compared to 2022. Regular threats to businesses “lead to financial, reputational and psychological damage,” the Deep Sentinel announcement says.

In the months after Deep Sentinel opened a product waitlist for FlashBang, the company “received an overwhelming number of preorders from businesses,” ranging from cannabis dispensaries to grocery stores, according to the company announcement.

Combined with Deep Sentinel’s Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) camera-based security system, FlashBang offers its customers a solution when criminals don’t respond to other measures, like verbal warnings.

If a situation like this occurs, Deep Sentinel’s guards will deploy FlashBang to stop an intruder in their tracks. One FlashBang device can be installed per camera, providing the necessary level of coverage for each property.  “Intruders are increasingly aggressive and more savvy to current security systems that don’t have what it takes to stop them,” says David Selinger, founder and CEO of Deep Sentinel, in the company announcement.