Dahua launches mini PT/PTZ series small-sized IP cameras to provide a cost-effective solution


To reduce installation difficulty and extend the effective monitoring range of cameras, Dahua Technology, a video-centric smart IoT solution and service provider, launches mini PT/PTZ series, a small-sized IP cameras with various pan and tilt ranges.Boastin g compact design and excellent product performance, the mini PT/PTZ series offers a cost-effective solution for various small- and medium-sized applications such as retails, hotels, casinos, supermarkets, entrances, etc.

In the past there were mainly two ways to set the monitoring angle during the complicated installation process. Installers could either adjust the camera with the help of tester or one person looks at the screen in the control room, and the other person adjusts the camera accordingly. Thanks to mini PT/PTZ series, neither is required anymore since you can remotely alter the camera angle by yourself at any time via computer, thus saving labour cost.

Users can also choose ceiling or wall mount just by adjusting the mounting plate of the machine, which reduces the cost of purchasing additional accessories. Another competitive advantage brought by mini PT/PTZ series is that the effective monitoring range is expended. Since cameras are no longer at a fixed angle, the monitoring area can be enlarged by rotating the cameras. In other words, users only need to buy fewer cameras for wider monitoring range, and as a result, reducing the cost of purchasing.

Moreover, through mini PT/PTZ system, users can not only adjust the angle but also zoom in at will if they want to see the details more clearly when certain things occur, which function is supported by the excellent performance of Dahua Technology’s IP cameras. It is anticipated that very soon Dahua mini PT/PTZ family will welcome its new member DH-SD1A404XB-GNR that supports people counting and heat map for automatic calculation of the customer flow.