Civintec access control uses smartphone as credential


Civintec has rolled out a new generation of Utouch terminal benefits to complete the RFID card reader functionality and NFC, Bluetooth smart phone technology, combined with optional biometric fingerprint sensor and touch PIN code for versatile secure level authentications.

BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy) and NFC technology ISO:18092 NFC tags are used in NFC smart phone in Peer to Peer mode to build excellent keyless mobile application. It is flexible and convenient and so works with all brands of smartphone by Bluetooth and NFC technology. Based on an Android O.S. 5.1 and embedded 1.4GHz quad-core processor, and a high sensitive capacitive touch screen with faster, more efficient, intuitive and comfortable user experience. Most importantly, the Utouch is based on an open development platform with an embedded Android OS and SDK complete source code for third party systems integration, and software development allowing for innovative custom applications to be built.

It supports 13.56MHz smart card CSN or encrypted protected data from RFID smart cards utilising key diversification and mutual authentication routines, with one or more SAM for secure data encryption.

There are embedded TCP/IP, Wifi, 4G wire and wireless communication interfaces incorporated for data synchronisation to build a network central management system. In addition, the TCP/IP integrated terminal connects directly to the IP network for an easy and low cost network system, to support 4G, and it is wifi flexible for wireless communication at any time.

With biometric identification enabled via a fingerprint sensor, plus algorithms with less than 0.76s identification speed, the Utouch offers a more efficient and secure solution, with protection and with a higher privacy level than a traditional physical punching machine system. The Utouch solution includes a built-in battery and PoE to ensure operational stability during power failure and it also utilises PoE to enhance stability for low cost installations