Brivo launches ACS100 controller & reader


Brivo has launched the ACS100, the company’s new all-in-one reader and controller. Designed to lower hardware costs and make installation easier and faster, the ACS100 is used with Brivo Onair, Brivo Mobile Pass and secure physical credentials to deliver better affordability and broaden the application for access control at more doors.

A key feature of the ACS100 is Fluid Access, which allows users to unlock doors without removing their mobile credential from their pocket. In a time when reduced physical contact can halt the spread of germs, the ACS100 delivers a hands-free access solution to unlock doors.

“The trend with landlords and property managers is to look for more architecturally pleasing products throughout their buildings. A plain old industrial looking reader just doesn’t cut it any more,” said Steve Van Till, President and CEO of Brivo. “Between the evolution of great looking IoT products in the smart home environment, plus the Proptech focus on occupant amenities, today’s products have to deliver both good experiences and good aesthetics.”

Key benefits of the ACS100 include scaling, as it can be used with a single door and up to the largest multi-site, global deployments. There are a variety of architectural finishes, form factors and colours to match property aesthetics. It has been designed for hands-free user experience with Fluid Access and its multiple credential technology supports both mobile and smart cards. The device also supports a second external reader for in/out and antipassback applications and it has encrypted data storage and communications in order to meet the highest security standards. The ACS100 can be used both indoors and outdoors and results in lower hardware costs and faster installation.

“We’ve seen a steady trend over the last 10 years toward IoT devices on the edge of the network, and away from traditional centralised control panels,” explained Van Till. “We’ve supported this migration with several different flavours of PoE controllers over earlier product cycles, so the ACS100 represents the logical next step in this shift of customer preferences to a single product that takes the place of two pieces of hardware and all the wiring between them.”