Brazilian hospital complex upgrades fire system with fully integrated solution


Bosch has installed an integrated fire alarm system to provide optimised safety coverage for Hospital Centro Médico Campinas in Brazil. The fire system was designed by Bosch and implemented by Brazcamp Tecnologia installers in Campinas, Brazil, and is reported to secure the entire city hospital campus.

All fire detection devices are connected via the Modular Fire Panel 5000 Series from Bosch, which is expected to improve response times and provide better maintenance options – for the first time including remote maintenance – to the crucial healthcare facility. The project required retrofitting of legacy fire prevention equipment and smart connectivity to accommodate for the unique layout of the premises.

Founded in 1973, Hospital Centro Médico Campinas is a general practice hospital located in the state of São Paulo. The hospital campus underwent significant expansions over the past five decades to add new buildings and specialised healthcare services. This resulted in the installation of 11 different, ‘incompatible’ fire alarm panels across the large campus that required individual monitoring, cleaning, and maintenance. For seamless, around-the-clock fire safety of the entire premises, clinic operators wanted a unified and future-proof system.

The installation being one single, fully customised solution covered the issues below:
Fixed compatibility challenges – Integration and consolidation of all data from connected devices on the modular Bosch Fire Panel 5000 Series due to the retrofitting of legacy detectors
Decentralized access 24/7 – Direct access for personnel via remote keypads connected in three desked areas: Main reception, on-site fire department, and operation and control centre
Entire campus on single network – Five loop modules cover all areas of Hospital Centro Médico Campinas with panels and detectors, including sensitive environments such as ICU, operating theatres, patient wards, and the hospital laboratory
Increased safety response and situational awareness via full integration with gas detection, sprinklers, and access control – Personnel can pinpoint the location of a fire precisely and unlock doors and gates in case of an event for improved evacuation

According to Bosch, the system was installed without disruption of vital clinical services and to avoid future disruptions, smart connectivity of the new network is said to allow maintenance by technicians with minimal disturbance. “Excellent specification and design work was carried out by the integrator and the Bosch engineering team,” said Eduardo Riguetti, safety manager, Hospital Centro Médico Campinas.
As the hospital continues to grow, the flexibility of the new fire system is open to future integrations, such as access control and voice alarms.