Addsecure ranked in top 10 of most attractive employers list


Addsecure, a leading European provider of premium solutions for secure data and critical communications, has achieved excellent results in the Nyckelinstitutet’s Attractive Employer Index 2019. The company is among the top ten percent in the quantitative survey, and is thus considered an excellent, attractive and sustainable employer, based on the working conditions that prevail in the business.

Each year the Swedish Nyckeltalsinstitutet organisation (The Key Figures Institute) recognises the employers who have the best working conditions in the country in terms of attractiveness, gender equality and health. The latest results are based on collected statistics from 2019, where just over 600,000 employees’ actual working conditions, from approximately 350 companies and organisations, were mapped. Addsecure ranks better than, or as well as other companies in the IT industry in all areas.

Since 2019, the fast-growing Addsecure has been focusing on being an attractive employer and on the company’s culture and values.

“For us at Addsecure, organisational culture, work value and leadership development are business-critical issues that are important for achieving the company’s goals. That we now have such a good position compared to other companies in the industry is fantastic and proves that we are on the right track”, says Liljana Vall, Chief, People and Culture, at Addsecure. The company joined the institute in 2018 in order to be able to compare itself with the industry, and has in 2019, improved its results significantly.

“An organisation’s most important resource is the employees, regardless of the situation the organisation is in. The survey, which is based on actual working conditions and quantitative data, shows the importance of continuously evaluating the employees’ working conditions. The top organisations offer their employees good working conditions and continuously follow up their HR key figures. We see measuring as a key to creating an understanding of employees’ conditions and a prerequisite for being able to run successful employee teams”, says Tina Ekström, CEO of Nyckeltalsinstitutet.

The institute has been conducting systematic surveys since 1996 and has created a standard for key figures. Attractive Employer Index describes the working conditions in an organization on the basis that good working conditions lead to commitment, efficiency and increase the organization’s opportunities to attract new employees