2GIG Smoke Detector Sensor from Nortek


Nortek Security & Control has released the 2GIG® Smoke Detector Sensor (Model Number: 2GIG-SDS1-345) provides customers with a smarter layer of protection to their interconnected smoke detector system via a smart, retrofit smoke detector sensing solution that works in tandem with their existing wireless 2GIG alarm panel.

The new 2GIG Smoke Detector Sensor (aka 2GIG “Smoke Ring”) mounts directly between an existing AC-powered interconnected smoke detector and the wall or ceiling and converts the existing smoke detector into a wireless device that can be used in conjunction with the 2GIG GC2 and new 2GIG GC3 alarm panels and systems for more advanced monitoring. Traditional interconnected smoke detectors are designed to trigger each other and send audible alerts throughout the home if any one of the connected units detect smoke, but many are not equipped to communicate that event directly to the alarm panel.

Unlike other ‘listening-type’ devices on the market, the 2GIG Smoke Detector Sensor does not react to the sound of the interconnected smoke detector but is instead triggered by an electric signal which cuts down on false alarms and increases reliability. Upon alarm, the 2GIG ‘Smoke Ring’ receives the electrical signal from the connected smoke detector and sends a wireless signal to the paired alarm panel which in turn alerts the proper authorities or homeowner of the emergency via their smartphone or other connected device.

Designed as a retrofit solution for interconnected AC-powered smoke detector systems, only one 2GIG Smoke Detector Sensor is required to monitor the entire house and connect to the 2GIG alarm panel. The 2GIG ‘Smoke Ring’ allows security dealers and installers to add an additional – and smarter – layer of protection to their customer’s home by providing a professionally-monitored alert signal transmission when smoke is detected by any or all of the interconnected AC-powered smoke detectors.